Saturday, November 22, 2008

Our Third Post -- November 22, 2008

It has been another busy week in our room! We just finished our latest round of literacy and math centres, and the children are excited to learn about the new centres that we will begin next week. Check out the Photographs link on the Kindergarten Website for specific information and photographs of the different centres.

We are continuing to complete our shared reading, interactive writing, and calendar routine. The children love discussing their acts of kindness, and they are working hard at performing 102 acts of kindness before the 102nd day of school. Please e-mail us about your child's acts of kindness, and then we can add this information to the Kindergarten Website.

As a group math activity, we are working on developing the concepts of "more" and "less." Children are sequencing sets of objects that have varying numbers of items from the smallest set to the largest set. Through exploration, the students are learning that counting the items in the set and then writing down the number of items in each set help them when they are completing these sequencing activities. Some of our math centres also allow the children to independently explore the concepts of "more" and "less."

We look forward to another exciting week of fun and learning!
Aviva, Courtney, and Dianne

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