Friday, January 16, 2009

Our Ninth Post -- January 16, 2009

It was another great week at school! We have definitely been busy since returning from our two-week break. This week we completed our seventh round of literacy and math centres and introduced new literacy and math centres. The children are enjoying the new centres and learning a lot too! Talk to them about some of the different activities that they are completing in class.

We also had a Learning Community Day on Tuesday. For the majority of the afternoon, we analyzed our mid-point assessment data on inferring. We were thrilled with the results! Approximately 98% of our students achieved a Level 3 or a Level 4 on our Inferring Rubric. This is more than a 20% improvement from our baseline data. Our results proved to us that our students understand what it means to infer. Thank you for all of your help in developing inferring skills at home too! Check out a copy of the Kindergarten Inferring Rubric, also known as The Snowman Rubric, that is posted under the Photographs link on the Kindergarten Website. Discuss this rubric with your child. We spent a lot of time going through the rubric together, and the children pushed themselves to achieve the level that they desired. Our students will continue to work with this rubric in the coming weeks.

Have a great weekend! We look forward to another exciting week at school next week!
Aviva, Courtney, and Dianne

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