Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Twenty-Sixth Post -- Video Footage Of Our A Class Math Problem

After our 102nd day of school, we replaced our calendar routine with a math problem routine. The children are learning how to use the "T-Chart Problem Solving Method" to solve math problems and explain their thinking as they solve them. We have been completing these math problems as a class on the SMART Board, but in the coming weeks, we will have the children complete similiar problems in small groups and individually. These math problems are a wonderful way to link literacy and numeracy, and they are helping children develop their metacognitive skills too.

On Saturday, March 28th, I (Aviva) went to a SMART Board Inservice, and I learned how to record lessons on the SMART Board. We used this recording feature today to record what the children are saying and doing as they complete this math problem as a class. Since we did not use an external microphone to record this activity, sometimes it is difficult to hear the audio portion of this video recording. Speakers improve the sound though. Have your children listen and watch this video with you and explain the math problem to you as they do. You are sure to be amazed by their new skills!

We hope that you enjoy our latest attempt at bringing technology into the classroom! Please check back here soon for a B Class math problem recording.

Aviva and Dianne

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