Saturday, December 12, 2009

Glogster: What is a glog?

On Friday, I introduced my students to Glogster: a wonderful online tool that allows the students to experience media literacy in a fun way. They learned how to create their own glog (almost like an online poster) using a combination of text, images, and backgrounds that are part of the program. We first made a glog together on the SMART Board:

Students learned how to choose, rotate, and resize images and how to edit text. I then took the students up to the computer lab where they got to start creating one of their own glogs on a subject of their choice. In the coming months, I want to use this program as part of our literacy centres, for it provides a great opportunity to combine literacy with science and social studies topics.

Here is an example of a glog that a student created on Christmas:

She independently found the images in the gallery, resized them and placed them where she wanted them, chose a background, and inserted a textbox and wrote a message of her own that corresponds with her glog theme. I think that this is a great first attempt at creating a glog. Way to go!

I love that my students are so eager to explore new tools that they can use to help them in their learning journey!


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