Thursday, April 15, 2010

It really is about making it meaningful ...

Over the course of the year, my class has had the opportunity to connect with some amazing teachers and students from around the world. Whenever possible, I use all of these wonderful connections to help create meaningful reading and writing opportunities.

One of these connections is with @rmcdonald17's Grade 2 class. When my students first started their own blogs, Mr. McDonald's students commented on all of their blogs. These comments helped encourage my students to continue to write. I am now fortunate enough to be at the point that when my class is given the choice to either have 15 minutes of time to draw or write in their creativity books or 15 minutes to blog or comment on blog posts, all of them choose the latter. Wow!

Since my students are so excited about blogging, yesterday I signed out the laptop cart, and I had my students work in partners to comment on @rmcdonald17's student blogs. Each group of students was given one or two student names, and they read a variety of the posts, and chose which one they wanted to reply to. We wrote a sample reply together first, and we even included a question in it. When reading through the posted replies, I noticed that some of my students included questions too. Yeah!

The best part of this blogging activity though was that when it was time to stop responding and shut down the laptops for lunch, nobody wanted to tidy-up. The students were so engaged that they wanted to keep on reading and writing. Isn't this what learning should be all about?

Here's a short video of my students writing these replies to Mr. McDonald's students. Please talk to your children about the blogs that they read, and then let them leave a comment here to share their thoughts on this activity. I would love to hear their feedback!



Leanne said...

I think it was fun because we get to type on the laptops.

Aviva said...
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Mark said...

It's cool that we could go on somebody else's blog.

Aviva said...

Leanne and Mark, I'm glad that you enjoyed this activity. I hope that we can comment on more blog posts!