Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sharing Our Learning And Trying Something New

Today, my class had the amazing opportunity to learn about Mardis Gras from @plnaugle and her Grade 4 students in New Orleans. Paula's class Skyped with ours, and using a combination of words and visuals, they taught us all about this special celebration.

My students decided to share what they learned by working alone or in partners to create a Common Craft video. Here are various examples of these videos:

Students were excited to try this out, as for the next couple of weeks, they're going to need to make Common Craft videos for Show and Tell.

For a first attempt, I was amazed by what they did: the students were creating, applying, and connecting, and having fun too! Watching what my students did today makes me wonder in what other ways the class can create Common Craft videos to share their learning with others. Have your students created Common Craft videos before? On what topics did they do so?

A special thank you to @plnaugle for inspiring today's activity, and @kathycassidy and @mariak for sharing their students' Common Craft videos (see here and here)! I love learning from all of you!



Miss Mac said...

Hi, I loved watching your common craft videos and I learnt a lot about Mardis Gras from them. How long did it take you to make your videos.
Miss Mac

Art Projects said...

Thanks for the comment! Glad you enjoyed the videos. It probably took about an hour to make the pictures, practice the words, and record the videos. It was a lot of fun though, and it was neat hearing what the students had to say!


PLNaugle said...

Hi to our new friends in Canada. We are so excited that our Skype presentation about Mardi Gras inspired you to make these wonderful videos. Bravo for a job well done!

Aviva said...

Thanks @PNaugle! We loved the Skype call. You taught us so much about Mardis Gras!

Miss Dunsiger's Class